Hello hello! January felt like it went on forever, but February flew by and I can't believe we're almost at the end of the month (yay for leap day though!). I've just updated the In a Creative Bubble shop with a brand new release of products, and I'm especially excited about the new Traveler's Notebook sized papers :)
All together, there are eight new products - two TN paper sets, printable elements, two sets of journaling cards, and three coordinating digital stamp sets. While it's a wide variety of products, you'll find they share a similar color scheme though, which allows for easy mixing and matching. All the new products are now in the shop here.
I did want to remind you that this weekend is the last chance to pick up anything in the Last Chance category of the shop, as I need to make room for new 2020 products. Ok, now here's a look at today's release:
Basics No.1 Traveler's Notebook Papers
Let's start off with the TN papers! I'm stoked to introduce these new everyday themed Traveler's Notebook papers. I've been wanting to add more TN sized products to the shop for awhile now, and I thought now was a good time to start. This Basics set is similar to the Recorded journaling card series in that the papers are all black & white and the titles/prompts are meant for everyday documenting. Depending on the response to this set, I hope to continue this series by adding more b&w TN designs to the shop.

Noteworthy Traveler's Notebook Papers
This second set of Traveler's Notebook papers I'm releasing today are also for recording everyday moments, but they skew towards the bright and colorful side. Even if you don't use traveler's notebooks, I think these papers would make great inserts in mini-books or 6x8 albums!

Noteworthy Elements
I've also been wanting to add more printable elements to the shop, especially ones that are for everyday stories. Love how this set turned out, and the rainbow patch just might be my favorite. I want to use it on everything.

Noteworthy Digital Stamps
I though a lot of the designs from the Noteworthy and Basics No.1 sets would look great as overlays/digital stamps on photos, so this set has a mix of my personal favorites.

Delicious Journaling Cards
Now onto our regular set of 3x4 and 4x6 journaling cards. It's been a long time since I've made new foodie cards, so I decided to design new ones for the shop. There's a mix of good basics here, as well as a couple of specific food cards (dim sum, noodles, and the fried egg). I'm definitely open to requests for other food as well...let me know if there are anymore specific food cards you'd like to see next! I've got a running list but it would be nice to get feedback on what you want too :)

Delicious Digital Stamps

Family Fun Journaling Cards
Finally, I designed this last set of journaling cards for documenting activities your family enjoys doing together, such as movie nights and game nights. I think they're versatile enough for noting down memories/get togethers with friends as well though, since I only actually used the word 'family' on two of the ten cards. Trying to keep the cards flexible and useful for multiple situations is something I always strive to do when working on these designs.

Family Fun Digital Stamps

Hoping you like this hodge podge of new products! I can't wait to use them myself in my own memory keeping. I just got a huge stack of photos printed last week so I can start to catch up on my Project Life album.
As always, thank you so much for your continued support in my shop. I sound like a broken record, but it is truly through your enthusiasm, purchases, and support that I can continue to put out new products each month(-ish, ha). Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
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